The Way I See Things


December dawn

I should express my gratitude here to the terrier, who decided to start complaining about being hungry and lonely at 6.30 this morning. Having got up and spoken severely to him, I was sitting at my desk with a cup of tea when I glanced out of the window and saw a riotous dawn starting up. Throwing on yesterday's clothes, and frantically changing yesterday's lens for the new wide zoom, off I trotted.

I'm thinking of changing the title of this journal to "Walking off into the sunrise", because that's all some of my neighbours ever see me doing; luckily they're getting used to me presenting an extra obstacle as they drive off to work. While I'm at it I should probably also change the display name to "Her again - the weird one with the camera".

Anyhoo: blip captured by 7.30 am... shame I took so many shots that it's taken me several hours to sort and process them all, but you can't have everything! If I can, I'll throw a few more up on Flickr (though I find uploading there as tortuous as some people find this site) - in which case, I'll add a link here later.

Much later! Some more shots now on Flickr, starting here.

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