Taj Mahal

A longish drive to Agra followed by a very early start to catch the dawn colours reflecting on the white marble of the Taj Mahal was almost scuppered by the ridiculously tight security at the Taj, who thought our Lee Filter lenshoods / filter holders was a breach of security and we had to go through three levels of security staff before we were eventually allowed in!

I was tempted to post the traditional shot of the Taj Mahal, but rather liked this reflection shot - taken only a few minutes before the fountains were switched on for the day, and all the reflections spoiled!

The building is truly breathtaking, having taken 22 years to build, taking thousands of workmen. What was the biggest surprise was the size of the mausoleum. One of my guests described it as the tardis in reverse - so much smaller on the inside than the outside!

Sorry about the lack of blips, a combination of no Wifi in various locations, (especially train journeys!), a bad case of Delhi Belly, and a high fever meant posting blips weren't foremost in my mind.

I'll blip one pic a day until the India trip is fully documented, then I'll try to catch back up! Though there'll be some truly bad ones in there too.

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