A very strange cat

This is the door to our workroom. Inside is the computer and printer, the ironing board, a work table on which the last few cards are waiting to be written, a pile of Christmas presents waiting to be wrapped, a wine rack, a treadmill for which Normous had great ambition, never fulfilled, and a desk for me and a desk for Normous. In view of this list you can imagine that I spend a lot of time in this room.
However, for some unaccountable reason, Coco our cat has decided that this is not a good idea. If I am on the computer she will come between me and the keyboard. I know lots of cat owners will recognise this behaviour. But if I am doing anything else she will either persistently pounce on my arm until I stop what I am doing, or else attack any piece of paper, whether it is important or not, by putting one foot on it and shredding it with her teeth! Concentration is well nigh impossible so this behaviour is not allowed to last as you can imagine, and she is severely reprimanded and put outside the door which is firmly shut. But however long I remain in the room, when I leave I find her sitting on the chair, waiting for me and I get a very warm cuddly purring welcome.
I wish I could understand what she is trying to say. It isn't because she is hungry because it happens when her bowl is full. It doesn't happen anywhere else in the house. I am beginning to wonder whether she has detected some malign spirit in the room that she thinks will harm me! It is an old house, after all. But whatever the reason, it is certain she doesn't like me being in that room.

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