
By SilverImages

More Rocks

"It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves"

Edmund Hillary

Would have been much easier for him if he'd had a cable car ride like I did.

A quick ride up to the top and the glorious vista across the Bay and across to mainland Spain, not to mention the coast of Africa in the other direction, beckoned. A brief visit as we were due back on board the ship at 1pm for sailing to Tenerife and beyond. The Apes performed on request and unlike my last visit visibility went on forever.

Gibraltar on a Sunday is much quieter than I expected. Although it's a bit of the UK in the Med. the shops still close on a Sunday. With the exception of some other tourists from the ship the most obvious passers-by were from the local Jewish community. Only just thought about it but they were gathering on a Sunday? Must have been something going on other than Shabbat.

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