Sqeek Against The Night

By SqeekyJojo

Always Look On The Bright Side...

So this is my day. It's not a particularly special day, I have an assignment due in by midday tomorrow and it's only at first draft stage now. It's not the end of the world if I stuff it up, but I'm getting quite attached to the notion of a distinction for this course. Perhaps if I were to stop doing a thousand things at once, including starting this journal, I might actually get some work done.

Unlikely; if I weren't doing a thousand things at once, I'd be thinking a million. So many thoughts, so many ideas, all clamouring for attention, like cats weaving round my legs as I sleepily measure out their morning crunchies into (and around - my glasses are down the back of the bed somewhere since I crashed out at 2am) their bowls.

Some thoughts are attractive, yet ultimately pointless, like the Maine Coon who jumps if put my cup down too quickly. Some are elegant, well honed and precise, like the brown tabby sleeping in my favourite chair. And then I look at the sympathy vote cat. Generally dim yet quite sweetnatured. Snoring on the third shelf of the mini greenhouse, gentle hoots echoing around the coriander and parsley, unaware of the Blue Tits plucking at the window box for snippets of food, just inches away from his sharpened grasp. Or does he know and allows them to sweeten his dreams with their piping trills?

Perhaps I should allow the explosion of life around me to lift my dreams.

Just once I have finished this coursework.

I'll sleep then.

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