Simply Me

By Suze981

Remembered skills

What seems like a lifetime ago, I learned how to silversmith. It was only actually 4 years ago. I got all the tools (a fair few were 2010 Christmas pressies - thank you everyone) and of course, then did nothing. They sat in my cupboard.

Today I decided to reclaim that skill. I'd seen something online that I wanted to buy for a present and decided that actually I could make it instead. I won't tell you what it is, it's a present for someone.

So this is me sat at my bench peg and anvil sawing metal (not silver this time). I'd forgotten how much I loved it. To be able to make something beautiful from rugged earthy tools - I should do this more often!

It doesn't work out any cheaper homemade, but that's really not the point. It's been made for someone with hours of love - that's way more important.

In other news, I'm off to see the Scottish Ballet perform the Nutcracker tonight, I'm so excited - I love the ballet. I'm not reviewing this time, I'm going as my editor's plus one - so I just get to take it all in and enjoy.

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