'Twas Knightshayes Before Christmas ...

.... and, all through, the house was decked out in traditional Victorian Christmas decorations and Father Christmas was waiting to greet children, young and old, in the drawing room.

Santa told us he had flown in from Lapland this morning and the reindeer were grazing somewhere in the parkland of the National Trust's stately home, Knightshayes near Tiverton, although we didn't see them when we took a stroll after a bowl of warming celeriac and apple soup.

After all that excitement, we called in to see Tess's Mum & Dad then, to round things off, I nearly drove off the road in shock on the way back when we turned the radio on to discover Yeovil were 3 - 0 up away to Oldham at half time. We even managed to score a fourth goal in added time.

As Oldham are managed by our manager's son, the Johnson's family relations may be a little strained tonight,

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