A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

By jove I think he's got it!

Delightful afternoon brainstorming meeting. Inspired by listening to Freakonomics, this included an interesting discussion about correlations and causality. Is there a correlation between the Aha! moment arriving about the same time as the glass empyting, or is there a causal link? Can confirm there was a correlation observed, couldn't possibly comment on the latter.

I love the days when we are both working from home, a real treat to pop out for an hour and yes, we did do some actual, real-life, bona fide work. And no, I don't mind if you're a bit sceptical ;-)

The morning started with some slightly disappointing news about my work project but, looking on the positive side, it does mean my period of enforced pause is over and I can now crack on. And to counterbalance it I had some positive news about a different piece of work which can also kick off now. And I had a good swim so all in all more good than bad. And you can't ask for more than that...can you???

Lesley x

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