The Secret is out!!

This picture is the reason why Mr W has been working so hard and why the Bank of Daddy urgently needs funds!

Mr W's Daughter, Alex, has been in New Zealand for the last year studying Film Production. Whilst she has been over there, she apparently had problems finding work due to changes with her student visa and so ran out of money. Mr W and I have been funding her stay. Next week she Graduates. Mr W was desperate to go over to surprise her for her Graduation so last Wednesday he left Heathrow and flew to New Zealand on his own. Alex had no idea he was coming. With the help of one of Alexs' friends, Mr W was able to surprise her yesterday morning when he turned up at her house (and woke her up!)!!!

I couldn't say anything about him going away on Blip or Facebook in case Alex saw it, and so when I told you that my 'Best Friend' had gone on holiday on Thursday, I actually meant Mr W!!!!

Its been strange not having him here and I miss him dearly, but I'm so pleased Alex has got to have him all to herself and show him around her life for the last year. And Mr W has been able to fulfil his wish of being there when she Graduates. They fly home together next Sunday!

I learnt how to Skype yesterday and how to snip and clip on my laptop just a few minutes before they called me!!!

I LOVE this picture!

So, thats my big secret. One we have had to keep for MONTHS!!!!! And now I must go to sleep because while the cats away, the mouse is working on a SUNDAY!!!!!

Night Night.


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