I am in love!

Anyone who has followed my journal for a while will know that I am madly in love with the dog breed called Chinese Crested/Powder Puff! I have blipped them before!

And today I got to cuddle this adorable 5 mth old Powder Puff girl. How cute is she???!!!

I was picked up at the hotel by Ellen this morning at 9 am. We had about 45 mins drive to Drammen, where I have been judging the Norwegian HTM and Freestyle Championship all day.

Both the winners were excellent.

In HTM it was Jessica with a beautiful Border Collie Izi, who has also won the World Championship and the Nordic Championship Silver Medals this year. What a team!

In Freestyle it was Marianne with her Australian Shepherd Vikki. It is the 2nd time she wins the Norwegian Championship.

I got to meet lots of good Norwegian friends, so it has been a really good day.

After the prize-giving ceremony, I was taken to the airport and now I am waiting for boarding.

I am looking forward to see the Hazyland Boys later tonight...
I expect to be home at about midnight.

See you tomorrow
Emmy - looking forward to go home to the Hazyland Boys

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