
By grounded

No more excuses!

Got up feeling a little brighter. Over the worst of the cold, but I think I will have one of these lingering coughs for a while. Arrived at work and was straight into the thick of it. However by lunch I had squared most things away.

Lunchtime was Week 4 of Alpha for Forces. Again a good core of people were there and the discussion was good. And the sandwiches were heavenly! I think the Padres are trying to tempt us of things to come with their special sandwiches!!!!

After lunch I headed to clothing stores. The sole of my right shoe is worn through and my trousers and blouses are starting to tire. So away I came with new shoes, trousers and a blouse. Being an officer I have to pay for my uniform! Boooo!

I headed off to a specialist running shop at about three. The physio had recommended I went and got some proper running shoes. So the chap filmed me from the knees down running and then with better shoes and in the end I could see that the best ones straightened my ankles. With military discount, then payment I was off in the car home.

Hit the swimming pool again and the steam room to try and get the remnants of the cold out of me. Soon I will try and run again as I am equipped now with my new running shoes!

Chilled this evening while hubby went out to the pub for the first meeting of his Prayer Triplet. The boys didn't pray in the pub... but are going to meet at a house next time!

Better get to bed as I'm up early to catch the train to London! Hope I get a good blip in London!

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