
I had an early appointment at the dentist's for a check-up - amazingly I didn't need any treatment. Just a scale and polish - ooh, but I do hate that whining vibration the scaler sets up in my teeth. Puts them....on edge. The dentist was impressed that the old amalgam fillings still seem to be sound; some of them must be almost 5o years old, much older than her!

The rest of the day was spent working at home, with one or two phone meetings to sit through. Think we got it all done, before the next work-bomb hits us. In amongst the emails was a message from a colleague in the Edinburgh office who's volunteering at a foodbank and was asking for donations. I had a root about in the cupboard and after having to discard a couple of tins that were well past their use by date, found a few bits I can take in to her.

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