
By TBay

Just napping!

Pip will always sit right by me if I sit down. It always amazes me that dogs can just drop off in an instant ! Wish I could!

Today was mostly consumed with Christmassy projects. I was making mince pies, lots of them! Mr Tbay bravely volunteered to wrap some presents, which I welcomed!! That was his day then.

Mr Tbay Jnr was out delivering port and cards again.

Farming - Two on compost hauling.

Grrr. I am rather concerned about the re vamping of Blip. Not sure if I can use my iPad as I now. I have problems downloading photos from my computer to the blip site so if the apps are not up and running then I may be absent for a while. If I am it is a technical hitch or operative failure!!!! Could be either. I can't say I am looking forward to the new site although I do see the need to move with technology. For a Dinosaur like myself it will be a challenge!

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