at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Oh christmas tree

I put our new tree up this morning. It's very compact, which is very good for our room and a bit of a change from last years MASSIVE tree. Had to carefully select a handful of baubles to go on though, think there's about 15 on there. Ivy watched me hand decorations, went to the box of them on the sofa and selected a toilet roll star I made last year (that I wasn't going to put on the tree this year) and carfully hung it on the tree herself. I was so impressed it's got to stay. She understands the tree is for hanging things on and put various things on throughout the morning including a pair of her tights.

Did some room rearranging, Ivy's newly chalkboarded desk is over where her slide used to be as it too is subject to the monthly toy rotation to stop her getting bored. Ivy liked putting her chalk away when she was done drawing. She did get bored of tidying though and had to have a bannana chip break- her slouched on a chair covered in crisp crumbs made me laugh.

She was thrilled when I took the sofa cushions off to hoover under them, as she loves running up and down the sofa when it's got no cushions on. I have no idea why. She even pointed out crumbs for me to hoover up- so it turns out she only doesn't like the hoover when it suits her.

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