Dick's Pics

By RichardDonkin

North Downs

Out early and on to the military ranges just beyond Pirbright with this hazy view across to Guildford Cathedral and the North Downs. I met a chap who'd seen the range warden and passed on the news that the red flags will be down on Thursday and Friday this week. Advanced notice is rare, so I might do a walk there on Friday if the weather looks promising.

So this is our last blip before the big change over. Exciting times. Away with the grey surround and in with snowy white. I'm looking forward to the redesign and hope everything goes well.

I triggered a speed trap the other day, very silly. Now the consequences. The kind police force has offered me an alternative to a fine and three penalty points on my licence. For a five per cent discount on the fine, no less, I can take a speed awareness course. Four hours doesn't seem too harsh and I might learn something if I go with the right attitude. The venue is very close to where I live - two minutes away if I put my foot down.

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