Journey Through Time

By Sue


Besides being the name of Gwyneth Paltrow's daughter, the apple is a delicious fruit, and in my mind, the undisputed king of tree ripened fruit. We went to Chuck's Produce and Street Market today to check out their produce section. If produce is in the title of the store then they better have a better than average produce section. They do. There are two stores in Vancouver and neither one is particularly handy to where we live, so I have only visited the first store once or twice. But at the urging of our neighbors and our friends, we checked it out today. Every Tuesday is 10% off day. They have a huge produce section, and lots of interesting brands and fun and unusual things to look at. It was quite entertaining, actually. And did I remember to take the camera? No. Next time I will, that's for sure. Anyway, we had fun in the apple section.

Left to right: Sweetie Apples, originally from New Zealand, now grown in Washington. Two from Hood River, Mountain Rose and Crimson, then Aurora, Fuji (a favorite in our house) and Ambrosia. Can't wait to try one, as we've only had the Fuji.

Okay, Blip is done and back to Christmas. Stuff to do.

Loving thoughts for all those people who lost their beloved children today. My brain fails to comprehend what is going on in the extremist Muslim mind. Even though I understand, as someone was explaining their mindset on the news...I don't understand. It goes against what, as an American, I was raised with...Freedom of religion, freedom of choice, freedom to live your life as you would like to live it. My religion, or lack of it, is nobodies business but my own. And keep your religious beliefs to yourself, thank you very much.

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