
By Chook

Arse Butter*

Evening of organisation in preparation for the 372km 24hr cycle that J, R, D and P are doing tomorrow. About as far from a weekend of television worship as you could get. B, C and I are going as support van drivers, chefs, masseurs, medical entourage and cheer squad.

Route all planned with spreadsheet for planned timetable.
Rest stops agreed on.
Massive meal cooked for dinner tomorrow**.
Enormous amount of snacks packed.
First aid kit stocked.
Spare tubes and bike tools sorted.
Camera batteries charging.
A giant pile of gear accumulated.

Flurry of questions from me re things he might have forgotten to pack. Really specific, like, 'do you have the dooberwackers that take the things on and off?'. I'm so helpful.

Think we need to get some sleep. Going to be a big day. Should be great fun (for us girls at least...).

*Colloquial term for anti-chafing cream. Was number one on the list J wrote about things to pack for the trip while on the plane. Scored a few weird looks from the people sitting next to him....
**Prompting J to comment, 'we're not allowed to have six kids. I don't want to have to cook like this every night'. No worries. Glad you feel that way!!

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