
By Chook

Show us your dude rag!

Driving support car with B and C for the Oppy 2010 - a 372km 24hr ride from Ballan to Strathfieldsaye.

06.00: R, D and P arrived at ours with their gear and the support vehicle.
06.30: car packed, boys are off.
06.52: R's drink bottles fell off the back of his bike, run over by a taxi. Top start.
07.58: girls are here. Support van on the road.
08.55: attention Joey - Anthony's Cutting is at its greenest.
09.31: first stop in Ballarat. Twenty minutes early. Bacon and egg McMuffin run and team photos.
10.12: "Roderigo, you forgot the pigeon!"
10.37: what did you do in Ballarat? Oh, just sat in the car park colouring in a sign that said, 'show us your dude rag'.
10.54: met Rain(wo)man in Bunnings.
11.03: opportunistic purchase of a powerboard. Carpe Diem.
11.28: driving past the wind farm. Bringing out the Dazzler.
11.33: dude rag sighting halfway to Avoca. Nice peleton boys...
12.25: waiting for the troops in Avoca, home of the bakery.
12.32: fruit cups and biscuits with mars bar bits in Avoca. Ahead of schedule.
12.47: lessons in life from Dave #1 - how to spot a bad bagpiper.
13.30: Merrrcy!
14.29: You're the Voice serenade on the B220.
15.43: Argentinean family reunions at a truck stop in St Arnaud. Bueno. Starting to look tired and sore.
16.52: Air guitar to Living on a Prayer as they pass the half way point.
18.01: Bicycle! I want to ride my bicycle... Stop in Donald done. Lights on, 40km to dinner. Picked up a bit - all now well.
18.34: Back in Kenya.
18.35: Dinner on the boil in Charlton.
19.25: boys roll in. Soft drinks all round. Dinner in five.
19.58: lessons in life from Dave #2 - don't trust anything that can grow in a wet towel.
20.27: wondering what bugs did in the olden days when there were no lights.
21.02: rolling back out, bellies full.
22.21: support vehicle beside them along quiet country roads, motivational song playlist cranking.
22.13: professor torchnose is on the road to Gundagai.
23.42: sleeping spot in Inglewood sussed, tents going up.
23.59: awaiting the arrival of the tired cyclists....

Took a stack of photos today, some quite good. Technically, this isn't one of them, but I love it anyway...

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