random rancid rambles

By rancidand

Hot day

Wandered round town today. Had a rickshaw at the correct price in and a rip off back. A woman sold me 100g of spices for 200/- when they should have been next to nothing, and then the guy in this shop would not take anything for 3 handfuls of different chillies. Its hard to discuss how different they are. Some are for colour he said and these are really hot, So those are the ones I picked.

Met a tourist taking photos of the stalls with the roofs behind with a big camera. Mine didn't come out well. Met a boy selling a fruit that he couldn't tell me the name of, unless "50 rupees four" was correct - very nice though, and had a very custardy custard apple.

Grabbed a hair cut and the guy had to ask me to slouch in the chair so he could reach. After the cut he did a very aggressive version of the head massage, I thought for a moment I had concussion.

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