random rancid rambles

By rancidand

Flat Simmet

I think the cleaning lad is taking the ironing too seriously.

Went to a "pub" called 1000 Oaks expecting a bar situation. Ate outside and didn't get inside (the hot days mean that one can go out drinking for the night without needing a pee) but it is what I would call a restaurant not a bar.

Had a fruity weekend, also went to the light show at the ruined fort (Shaniwar Wada). Sat outside for ages waiting for them to open the doors, and when they finally did, late, they say "you get your tickets down there" so had a bit of a rush Follow the lights they said, so wandered along a poorly lit path with unmarked steps, I'm thinking this is what we will get for our 30p when we reach a seated area.

And then the story of Pune unfolds, with some fountains and spotlights and the windows of the entrance area showing different colours. Seems like they have a curtain problem with one window - cos you can see some kids trying to fix it and failing, and trying again, and giving up. Anyway - the sounds were good, the lights were nothing special and there were a couple of neat waterfall effects. The story is basically that this fort survived a lot of changes of dynasty and battles, Pune was even the capital at one point and this was the palace India was ruled from, and a bit later the British arrived, Pune was the last bit they took over, and somehow the fort got burnt down.

Had a haircut yest and nipped down the local dept store feeling as smart as you can in a pair of swimming shorts and sandals. Tried on a workshirt - up to the mirror, and yes, there is one huge zit in the middle of my chin. I can't recall washing my face this morning either. Ooops.

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