
By champignons

love moleskines

My new treat arrived today,hooray! As you might know, I print of molies, and I like them lots so its a perfect job as I get to buy far to many of them, but not so many to keep (those I do are mostly misprints). I did think my moaning was getting too much for my friends, so I decided to keep a journal, but turns out not even I want to listen to me moaning, so I tend write lists of joyful things to counterbalance all the many, many things that piss me off.

Then i found it a bit hard to keep a journal that was just writing, you know most of my journals are mostly pictures.So I thought a sketchbook might fit the bill. These were issued last year to celebrate 40 years since woodstock but they are still around (apart from the red one) so they couldn't be too limited, and when I saw it it looked ideal- a love sketchbook.

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