
By mar

Practice as if you are the worst, ...

Practice as if you are the worst, perform as if you are the best

Today has been an errands day. Michael got up and did the breakfast/school run with Charlotte before heading off to NPA to meet with Chris and practice for The Lanchester Marionettes night next month. I was afforded a lovely lie-in which lasted until after 11 and that was only because my cell phone rang! I guess I've been a bit more tired than I realized. The good news was that the phone call was my teacher telling me my A1 folder was excellent and I only had to tweak a few items, which she will do with me on Thursday morning. Hooray!

After, I ran a few errands in town, including getting a new charger for my phone as Snowflake chewed my last one the other day. Lets just say she is very lucky she is cute or Free To Good (or any) Home sign would have been put out! Also managed to stop by the library to say Hi as we haven't been there much lately. It's nice to live in a town where you can walk in and they ask about Charlotte immediately.

Managed to pop into NPA to check up on things - practice is going well, today will be the last until next month. It's not easy arranging these things as Chris lives in Wales (he owns Harlequin Puppet Theatre) but we've managed (as we normally do).

Tonight is Photoshop class. I have some really good ideas floating in my head now for my first project. It has to be a postcard for real or fictional place. I know I want it to be library/museum related but have since had a good suggest from twitter. Ideas are one thing, executing them is another ;-)

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