Ice pack on Lake Erie

This afternoon we were walking in the park with friends and their dog, Winston (as in Winston Churchill). Immersed in chit-chat, I didn't get many pictures, but my friend, who lives next to Lake Erie, mentioned that she looked out today and was amazed to see that where the water had been free of ice, it was now solidly ice covered almost as far out as she could see.

So after we left the park, we drove over to Lakeshore Blvd., found a street that deadended at the lake, and that's where I captured today's blip. She was right. The ice pack extended way out into the lake. If you look at the picture in large, you can see some open water in the distance. Behind where I was standing, there were some nice houses. I love lawn swings, and one of them had a swing facing the Lake. What a great view! On the other hand, the property in front of me, right on the edge of the Lake, apparently isn't maintained by anyone. Still, I think it makes the picture more interesting.

If our weather follows the usual pattern for early spring, we will have one more serious snowfall in late March or early April. Then we can look forward to real spring. Hallelujah!

PS Manual mode again today, but automatic focus. Wishing now, I had practiced with manual focus.

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