a town called E.

By Eej


You don't see 'm in this shot but I encountered the first real mosquito swarm of the season about 5 minutes after taking this.

Me and American 'skeeters go waaaay back. Unfortunately.
The first summer I spent here was when we got married, in 2006. Never one to pass up the opportunity for a roadtrip we went up north for a short honeymoon. The weather was wonderful, the lakes were glorious, we were in love with each other and the world was beautiful.
One of the lakes we came across looked particularly appealing so we decided to hike one of the trails. We walked and walked, and at one crossing we had to decide whether to go further or go back. I said: 'I'm not tired, let's go on!'

Famous last words.

We turned the corner and there it was; the 'skeeter swarm from hell. There were millions.* And what I hadn't realised until then: American mosquitos love them some Dutch blood. They were *beep* everywhere.
Flailing wildly I ran all the way back, at some point even pulling one out of my face. OUT of my face! *shudder*
Back in the car we examined the damage. I was swelling up rapidly, and we had nothing at hand to relieve the itching that had started.
A few miles down the road we found a gasstation/grocery. I went in to see if they had Benedryl or whatnot. No such luck. I asked the woman there if they had any vinegar and started to explain things. I told her it was my honeymoon and that we were taking a walk, and I showed her my arms and back. She said:'Be thankful walking was all that you were doing!'

Yeah. That was indeed lucky ;)

I'll be walking around with my whole arsenal of mosquito repellent from now on. And I'll still be covered in itchy bumps until november.

*this may or may not be true, but certainly looked and felt right.

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