SAH on Blipfoto

By sahfotoblip


Well I got the quote for the repair for the damage I did to the car on Sunday... £400 + VAT, OUCH!!!!!

Whilst the lovely R has been away we have had a splurge of light bulbs deciding that actually they weren't going to glow anymore! I save them up and I have on each occasion had about 3 - 5 bulbs for R to replace when he comes home, its not that I can't do them myself, I can but R likes to get interactive with the house and it is almost a bit of normality for him whilst he's here. So I save them! I do wonder why they are all going at once but do think we replaced all the bulbs in 2005 at the same time when we had a 2 storey extension built.

This one however was in the bedroom... it had to be replaced on the spot as there is only so much light you can get from a laptop! When I took it down it was well and truly broken!

The good news for the day... R is home on Saturday for little short of 10 days!

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