
By Adda


there are a lot of things in life that makes you lose the sense of time...pure ecstasy is one of them...things of joy like a walk through the woods in the hills or cycling on the slopes of some remote himalayan village, photography...these are things of pure joy. On the other extreme are things which makes every passing moment weigh on you. It weighs so badly that you count and wait for the current moment to pass by, making space for the next so that it can also pass and let the other one in the queue proceed. The head hurts so bad with all the unpleasantness around that you hardly feel the time moving. That's exactly NOT how one would probably like to lose the sense of time.

couple of hours at the pub in the evening did good things to offset that. tomorrow probably will be more pleasant.

the picture is straight off the camera. only processing is size reduction. whether processing would have done any good to this photo is a different question altogether :)

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