All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The Commentators

I haven't really had much of a chance to look at the new "statistics" section on here, but having read Carol's blip yesterday, it prompted me to look through it today. Quite interesting reading actually! I guess it's no surprise that my sister comments on my journal the most, but also good to see who else still takes the time to comment on me too. I know there are a lot of you, especially considering how little time I have to respond these days, so thank you to each and every one of you!

Had another quiet day with Ethan today. A quick wander round Boots and the weekly shop (went to Tescos in Bathgate for a change of scenery today) and that was the day nearly over. Foreveryoung and her hubbie did pop over for a few hours late afternoon though - always good to see them!

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