Leanne's Random Photos

By Leannespics

Ready to run!

Ben had a game today - they won! Makes for a much easier evening when they win. He hit a double on his first turn at bat! By the end of the season, I think he will be hitting it over the fence. Here he is after his double, on third and ready to run home! It is so cute the way he puts his hand up to his face when he's concentrating on running as soon as the ball is hit. He also made a great play at third base and tagged a player out. His face was beaming!

Last night his ear hurt. So I took him in to the doctor [45 minutes before the game started!] and it turned out that he does have an ear infection and a slight fever! He wanted to play anyway!

The girls got to play at "the kids'" house this afternoon. They are three little kids under 5 whose parents love it when my kids come to help/play! They aren't around little ones too often. It's good to see how gentle and understanding they can be with them.

Victoria stepped on some sidewalk chalk with her bare feet....it's very bruised. I'll see in the morning if she'll need it x-rayed. She had a rough day!

OH yeah!! I forgot to mention the two cats behind the fence in the outfield! They watched the whole game! I blipped the black and white one last fall....I should try to find it and make a link.....we'll see....oh! i found it! Here it is!

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