horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Anti-Jogger Stick

I've blipped Corrie before, but for an hour today she was mine. ALL MINE! MWUHAHAHAHAHAHA!


Fi is on a new job at the mo which means he can't take Corrie with him, so she's been coming to work here with Susan (Fi's wife who I work with), and today Susan had a dentist appointment so I was asked if I'd like to take her for a walk at lunchtime. Now anyone who has read my entries here over a period of time will know how much I like dogs, growing up with a lovely border collie (Toby), and how I'd just like all of the aspects of my life to converge meaning I can get a dog again (or three - Mel loves pugs, we both like greyhounds, and I've never loved any dog more than border collies). Forget the cars, the bikes, and everything else that a life of writing for a living from home would bring me - it would mean I could have a dog.

Which is the long way of saying I was happy to take her out for a walk. I had to break this stick down in size after she rejoined the path (beside the very swollen Water of Leith) with it in her mouth - given the number of joggers going about I thought they might not take too kindly to being presented with a mobile hurdle. Oh, she also goes a bit mental when presented with rocks... (and that was by no means the biggest she tried to tackle).

Look of the day was from the terribly proper ladies walking in the opposite direction, whose expressions at the little bag of poo in my hand were a mixture of revulsion and arrogance. Would they rather it was left in the path? Some people need to get over themselves - I presume they have staff to do this sort of thing back home. I must admit to taking a small amount of pleasure in thinking of them muddying their shoes, and coming on a section of the path a little further on which was under two inches of the Water of Leith's finest grade H2O.

So yes, I'm back at work, feeling better than I did yesterday (the day off was definitely a good idea, still coughing, but no longer bunged up) and now just a hop away from the weekend. There's a lot planned in a lot of different ways...

Nice ride in the rain coming in this morning as well (there's no sarcasm there - I love it, the feeling of getting into warm dry clothes at the end and having a first cup of coffee makes it worthwhile, as does the fact that everyone else makes for their cars, meaning the tailbacks to ride past are twice as long as normal - as Mr Merc found out this morning after racing past me with an exaggerated blip of the throttle only to have to stop less than 100 yards on at the back of a half mile long queue, hah!).

TCIF (Thank Crunchie It's Friday).

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