Rain, Steam and Speed

All day, a fine drizzly Scottish rain fell - so the views from The Jacobite were long on misty moodiness, but short on detail. The scenery was still breathtaking though, and the "will-it-won't-it?" drama of a steam engine working its way up a steep climb made the journey even more memorable.

Fifty-one years since he first stood on a footplate as a fireman, dad took Andy for a look round the engine's cab (and, no doubt, passed on a few words of wisdom to the young lad who was shovelling the coal). He also talked shop with the driver for a while (dad got to be a driver in 1967 ... just as steam engines were being phased out).

After being welcomed by a piper at Mallaig, there was just time for fish and chips before it was time to head back. But on this trip, you come for the journey, rather than the destination.

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