Lyn's Things

By Abzquine

Glass Mouth

Glass fish at work, personally very much not my cup of tea but I guess quite funky in a retro 70's kinda way. Also will form part of my fishy challenge :)

Another long day at work, very glad that tomorrow is saturday (not that it means an easy day). I'm not really gettting on top of things and its starting to really get me down :( I think my feelings of having everything getting too much are compounded by the lack of day off this week as well as the crazy long days I have been putting in. I think I need a wee holiday soon.

Occasionally I have ideas for various pictures but I have noticed I tend to shy away from things. I tried to explain to someone recently but I always feel like I am not good enough to do them. It's sometimes easier to just plod along as I currently do

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