End of term


I received an absolutely beautiful bouquet of flowers today from Geoff at work (and his wife). They smell wonderful and they are simply stunning - all whites and creams...very tasteful. Thank you Geoff and Sylvia.

Today was the first day that I actually have been nervous, as well as exceptionally giddy, about the wedding. Not nervous about getting married, but simply about making sure that all the jobs that still need doing, get done as well as finding time for me to get hair, nails and other stuff done before the day. One of the girls at work asked me about it today and my stomach did a little flip - and she knew!

So I have spent 3 hours tonight printing, sticking, laminating and re-sticking the table plan together. Just need to finish it tomorrow but need some wide purple ribbon ...off to the shops again.

Someone 'up there' has a sick sense of humour though...one week from getting married and suddenly the sinus pain gets worse, I have really bad earache in my left ear and I have felt worse as the evening has gone on. Tweaked my back this afternoon as well - doing NOTHING...! If the sinus/ear thing is no better by monday I am going to have to bite the bullet and go to the Doctors...just want to avoid that as the last batch of anti-biotics I had knocked me sick for over a week.

Fingers crossed it will go away !

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