
By mar

One Nil to Me

One Nil to Me.

This is what I worked on all bloomin day. Not looking good, is it?

Michael and I are taking a Photoshop course together. Our first assignment is to create a postcard of a real or fictional place. While our kid might not have a competitive bone in her body, her parents certainly do!

Things got a bit heated on Friday when I was seen speaking to the teacher and he mentioned a website that could help with my original idea. Michael promptly stated 'If you need extra help, apply for Learning support.' If the gloves weren't off prior to that, they are now.

The only thing is I don't know what the hell I'm doing. Slight disadvantage in the grand scheme of things. I have great ideas, but do not know how to execute them using Photoshop. Oops.

My original idea was to have a library with famous 'museum' type people in it. But I don't know how to find a colored photo of Darwin and the likes so had to swap to Plan B. Mar's Curiosity Shop - it's the only way I could think to get all my likes on the postcard.

Hence the comment from Michael. And sadly, I think he's right. But like the Black Knight, I will not go down without a fight!

Meanwhile, Charlotte had a friend over for most of the day and Michael worked on puppet stuff.

All day, and this was the best I could do. It's not looking good.

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