Moscovy duck

As we drove out of the park today with Gulliver in the back seat, we passed this duck, dabbling alongside the road.

"Hey, duck," I entreated, as we pulled up next to him. "Turn around here and pose for the camera...please."
Unfortunately, he refused to turn my way, and I think he said, "How about telling that rude canine in your back seat to stop barking? Maybe then I'd come a little closer, but until then, what you see is what you get." At least I think that is what he said.

So we were at a stalemate. Gulliver wouldn't stop barking, and the duck wouldn't turn around, so this is what you get, Blippers, an over the shoulder view of this Moscovy Duck.

Apparently we were already interrupting his evening meal. He and three others like him were wading in the water and rooting in the leaf litter, looking for tasty tidbits. Some of you may be familiar with this breed. I googled them and discovered that they are a South American species, the only domestic ducks that are not derived from Mallard stock. Some people even keep them as pets. Basically they are ordinary barnyard ducks, although not so ordinary with that strange red trademark on their faces.

Today was a good day for a walk in the park, not warm, but warmer than yesterday, and the sky was deep blue. No rain from dawn to dark, but tomorrow...that may be a different story. I'll let you know.

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