the troubled city...

today we (I, farside, S and a few other friends) decided to take a trip to the old city in the evening. the last few times I visited that area, it was in the morning. the idea was to take a few pictures and hang around in general. as we approached the charminar, things seemed somewhat unusual on the road. there were lot of cops and special police forces in the city. shops were closed but today being a Sunday, that really didn't surprise us. Slowly, we came to know that there were some communal clashes which led to some tension and unrest in parts of the city. the charminar area which generally has a lot of activity and people, posed a deserted look. the shops were closed, very few people on the streets. we were very close to the epicenter of all the trouble which reportedly arose last night.

We moved out of the place earlier than planned and landed up at one of the good places and sat down for an extended dinner. A long dinner accompanied with lots of laughter, discussion on photography, wedding dinners and fat bengali women. it is really amazing when a few people sit together for a chat session how one topic leads to another something totally unrelated and soon we forget how it all started.

great end to the week. hope the next doesnt start! :)

Edit: Does anyone recognize the one year ago picture? :)

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