All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Story Time

Grandpa loves telling Ethan stories. He has written some especially for him, but he's dying to read him The Elephant and the Bad Baby as this was one of his favourites when Foreveryoung & I were children.

The reason Grandpa is laughing so much in this photo is because Ethan had just done a huge big fart!

Went back up to the vets again today, although left Ethan at home with Granny & Grandpa. I had to take Zoe up as she was due her booster. And of course we had to see Obi too. And what a change! They have let him out for a wander round the surgery several times today and they let him out again when we were there. He was walking so confidently, there is no doubt he has some sight, although probably only in 1 eye. He was climbing up on small stools, although then obviously couldn't judge the distance to the floor to get back down. And he just seemed so much more alert than yesterday. Really good progress. What isn't so good is the bill - we knew it would be awful but when we got them to total up what it is so far our jaws nearly hit the floor! I guess that's the gamble you take when you don't have pet insurance!

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