Staring Contest

We had grand plans of taking the girls and meeting Reese and Ryan at the zoo today. And then I blew it by drinking too much last night and having a wee bit of a hangover all day today. So after trying to sleep it off in the parking lot of the zoo, I braved the crowds and animal smells to take pictures of the girls and the manimals.
Thank you for a night out, Julie. It was memorable. I wish Jenny would have been able to come out too. Next time I'm in town, we're not veering from plans to go to Bar Annie though. I feel like that was my fault. I had a lot of bad drinks (Miller Lite? Ugh. and shots?! What am I, turning 23 again or something?). I usually don't drink unless I absolutely enjoy what's in my glass.

I have a happy surprise for my blip tomorrow.. I'm so excited.

For now, movie night with my brother. We're watching Twilight with the ebb and flow of sexual tension intertwined with sparkly skin..
"There's a cream with real diamonds in it. I can actually smear diamonds on my face! And it's only $400 a tub! That's, like, what, like, a million diamonds for $400? A million %$#^&@* diamonds!"
This movie is pretty funny. (you were right, Michael.)


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