Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Broken Egg!

Don't worry - it didn't arrive like this - I broke it!

One of the advantages of being grown up is that we can have as many Easter eggs as we like and eat them whenever we feel like it! The only real disadvantage is that we have to buy our own!

I bought a handful of them yesterday, so we can have as many as we want over the weekend. Chocolate eggs go nicely with gentle housework and good TV - so far we've had Grand Prix qualifying, a videoed episode of Tropic of Cancer, Figure Skating, a programme about Golf in Augusta, and the Boat Race (marred only by the wrong team winning - we'll get 'em back next year)!!!

Tonight is Dr Who, Dorothy, Private Life of an Easter Masterpiece, Offices of State and Heroes (latter 3 for taping).

Once the eggs are gone though, I shall have a very serious attempt at some kind of healthy eating and exercise regime!

I promise!

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