
They've been quite quiet this year, though keeping the radios and television firmly off all day and not venturing very far out might have had something to do with it. As long as they keep themselves to themselves and stop attempting to spread their nonsense mythological tales of magic Mr Kraft's subsidiary Mr Cadbury's parrot need not be invoked, though a small amount of personal disruption was caused on Tuesday when the ante-natal classes turned out to be cancelled along with everything else non-churchy scheduled to occur in the church-owned meeting-rooms during apparently holy week. Perhaps it was for our benefit to prevent us being exposed to churchy singing-practise in the churchy-hall-bit across from the classroom.

Despite the imminent closure of the window of ovailability I've eschewed eggstuffs over the past few days along with anything else too detrimental to teeths whilst the bottom left thereof sort themselves out. It feels like the growth spurt has stopped but I shall avoid oatcakes and poppy-seeded bread for a few days until certain that the left side of my mouth is safe to chew with.

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