Full Metal Clipper...

This is my clipper. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My clipper is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my clipper is useless. Without my clipper, I am useless.


There are motorbikes and there are Harley Davidsons. There are vacuum cleaners and there are Dysons. There are disposable lighters and there are Clippers.

Clipper lighters are iconic in the field of plastic lighters. I was going to say disposable lighters but as you can refill them and replace their flints so they are not necessarily throwaway lighters.

When I was younger these were one of those staples that were always never too far away. If there was a group of us, there was a more than good chance that someone had one in their pocket, they are the plastic lighter of choice.

Do you know how to change the flint in them? The middle bit comes out and is about an inch long, you unscrew the bottom of this middle section and replace the flint which is held up under a spring. This whole middle part had a unique name in teenage Alloa. It's called the PDT. I'm pretty sure this is a unique to Alloa, possibly even unique to my circle of friends, but can you guess what it stands for?


Notes on the Picture...
This is actually a request for Joni who is doing a painting based on the Clipper and needed a picture of a clear Clipper to see how the inner gubbings show through the casing.

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