
By grounded

Blue screen of Death!

Ummm, I broke it!

I feel like my arms and legs have been cut off!

Minding my own business at work, I wandered off to the wi-fi zone to download my e-mails onto my Macbook. A little later I open it to find the screen blank!

After a bit of prodding and poking I do a hard reset and all I get is some clunks, whirrs a bleeeeep and this file with a question mark.

Rang Apple help to find my hard drive has died!!!! ARGHHHH!!!!

Thank heavens for Time Machine and the fact my Mac backs up several times a day! All I will have lost is the last few e-mails... nothing too important!

Apple happily told me that although out of warranty it shouldn't happen and they will replace the hard drive free and also replace the keyboard which has a small crack!

So tomorrow it's off to the Genius Bar at Southampton to drop off my poorly sick Macbook. Hope it won't take them too long to fix. Not sure how many days I can cope without it!

Then when fixed and shiny and new all I need to do is a 'migrate' of my old back-up to the new hard-drive... and hey presto! It should be just the same as when I shut it down last night after it's last back-up!

I think A'desk should be pleased his lil sis backs-up!!!

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