Pics from Zone Flâneur

By paulperton

Lighting pendants in one of Cape Town's new hotels

Saturday. Into Cape Town to buy some film for next week's foray up the west coast to Namaqualand to see nature's own annual daisy extravaganza.

My kids had a housewarming party in their flat last night and sounded as though a liquid lunch was the best recovery plan anyone had/was likely to make when I called them to tell them I was on my way.

The newly opened Extreme Hotel's decor is modeled on just about as many extreme (Xtreme?) sports as you can think of and doesn't serve a bad burger either. So, brunch on the stoep (terrace to English-only readers), some welcome winter sun, a few Heinekens and lots of interesting things to photograph. A good way to pass a couple of hours ;-)

These lights hang over part of the breakfast bar inside the hotel.

Leica D-LUX 3

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