Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Battlecat: Escape

Photo was shortly taken after A had to vault the backgarden fence to catch Linus who we've (affectionately) started calling Battle Cat. ;) Since the weather was so lovely we decided to let them run about outside for a while. The last few times they've been out they haven't tried to venture from the confines of the garden but today Linus made a mad escape (very unlike him!!) and A had to chase after him. Poor Lucy just froze as I grabbed her in case she followed suit. Because A had been taking photos with his SLR, today's photo unfunately doesn't come from my camera. Since I'm a Blip purist I'm not happy about this but what you gonna do eh? ;)

Went to the dentist this morning and it was no where near as bad as I thought it would be. I was just going for an initial check and I thought he was really going to be astonished at the work I needed done but he said it really wasn't bad at all. Score. Couple of fillings. Not too shabby at all. Then we went for a little picnic lunch to St Margarets Loch (which I'm sure A's photo will come from) which was really nice and relaxing after the stress of the dentist.

Now just waiting on dinner and watching Over the Rainbow. Go Jenny!!

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