Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey


Photos, night shift with Reu, sleep in, park, curry for lunch, books.

Callum fell asleep on the swing yet had a healthy appetite after for chicken tikka, pashwari nan, mango chutney and onion baji. This taken at the end of the big slide tunnel.

Let's hope this is the last time we'll be hearing "What's that funny thing around his neck?" at the playground from often well meaning kids whilst their parents say "Hush" and I reply, "Well actually..." as I proceed to teach the interested ones some sign language, which they heartily lap up, running off back to their parents saying "Do you know how to sign...."

Then "What's her name", believing the hearing aid band to be a girly hairband.
"Eh he's a boy and this is his hearing aid which makes sound by vibrating his skull".

"And what are you doing with his tummy?". Again, parents intervene awkwardly and I interject:

"Well, that's his feeding tube. He can't swallow like you and me, but he's learning how to".

"Awesome", the kid answers and a smile creeps across my face. "Yes, I guess you're right. It is awesome".

None of these questions really bother me though. Children are naturally curious and it's a time to educate. But I am bothered by parents, cabin crew, even nurses asking "What's wrong with him?". Well, that's wrong.

Thanks everyone again. Reu will be in hospital from 7am tomorrow to attempt a decannulation (trach out).

PS I had a nightmare about a tarantula last night. My brother keeps them in his attic as pets and there was one just sitting in the corner of the room above me left by my brother. I've had a morbid fear of them all my life (OCD alert: will not get into bed or put shoes on without 1st checking them and given I've done this since I was a child if I stop now I know they'll be a sucker in there just waiting for me). So what does this dream mean?

Technical note: Uncropped. A nice little fluke with the camera as Reu approached the end of the slide and I just sucked the colour out of it. I love how with low key photography when there's so much daylight on your subject, it renders the background so dark.

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