and the award goes to...

...Adda! I was given this award at work - not for work-work though. It did come as a surprise to me as this was the last thing I was expecting. But any kind of recognition feels good and is inspiring.

yesterday I received two unusually interesting calls. The first one was from a childhood friend from my schooldays. We had studied together from 5th to 12th. I was talking to her after a long time. We were not like the best of buddies at high-school but later on, especially after we started working, she was one of the very few I happened to be in touch with. Lately she has been busy with her work family and kid and hence to get a sudden call from her out of the blue was quite a surprise for me. The conversation that followed is what I would remember more than she actually calling up. She's still that sweet and direct as she always was - something I admire. My 'engagement' came as a news to her and she pretty made me apologize for not telling her myself earlier. :) As always, it was great to hear from a childhood friend.

The second call that came later in the night was totally unexpected. In fact, when the gentleman identified himself on the other side, it took a couple of seconds for me to place things together. The conversation that followed was even more intriguing. Just a few sentences were exchanged. The questions asked and the answers provided were direct, no-nonsense and to the point. And then the call was ended from the other end rather abruptly. It was not rude, rather it was puzzling. I am still at loss on the purpose of the call. I refuse to believe that it was a casual call. I waited for him to call back to complete the unfinished conversation but he never called back...and I don't think he ever will.

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