Gifts of Grace

By grace

Hidey Hole .......

... for a bumble bee!?

Got to sit a bit earlier today (2.30pm). By far the hottest day this year. That made it easier to sit (working on my tan). Actually I haven't 'worked on my tan' for years but the idea was enough to keep me sitting longer. Possibly I'm getting the hang of just sitting.

The bumble bees were not sitting, not for a moment. They were buzzing around, busy as ....... But here's the thing - they showed no interest in the spring flowers, preferring to explore little holes in the vegetation. Every time I went to snap one landing it disappeared into a hole! Hence this exciting shot of a corner of my compost heap - there's a bee under there, honest.

Now what's that all about? Seeking shade from the scorching sun? Finding moisture? Playing hide and seek? Do bumble bees play?

Blip being a hive (sorry) of information surely someone out there knows?

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