
By mar

A good bookshop is just a genteel ...

A good bookshop is just a genteel Black Hole that knows how to read.
~Terry Pratchett

Today is our last day of rest at home before the end of our Easter break. Tomorrow is the annual trip to the Children's Hospital for Charlotte's updates (she has a cleft, basically only one kidney, but other than that, she's fine!) We're making a day out of it with hopefully a trip to Birmingham Art Gallery and a toy shop as my loving, mature husband wants an Elvis bust for his birthday on Saturday. It's not so much the buying of it I care about, it's having to walk around Birmingham and the trip home while he carries it that's bothering me! :-)

I had to run up the town to get some essentials so Charlotte stayed home in her pj's. I stopped by the Book shop in Bridgnorth, a lovely, independent book shop who is on twitter, but doesn't have internet in the shop yet. I was actually looking for a Warhol book I saw on my last visit but ironically it was sold to another American two days ago.

Michael has been putting the finishing touches on the performance and talk for Saturday night with Chris up at the NPA. Before going up to NPA, Michael left Charlotte a list of 8 items to which she wrote a story for him. After, we went to go work on her homework book and realized we haven't a clue where it is. So now it's been a mad rush to locate the book (mad rush clearly not on Charlotte's end, I can assure you).

I worked on my Photoshop postcard. It's absolute rubbish and I am getting more annoyed with it the more I look at it. But the one thing that kept me going was Michael's words saying 'I think I'm going to ask for an extension as I haven't started yet.' Now I *have* to hand something in :-)

Meanwhile, great news received - my A1 portfolio has been approved by the 1st hurdle. Now it needs to go to the next level of verifiers which hopefully will happen on Tuesday. Hooray!

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