Manic MorFF's Pics

By manicmorff

'twere brilliant, the slimy toads

OK, the title's maybe not true Carroll, but who's counting?

Down at the park today with the boy for a wander. Only to find scores of weans running about with nets and buckets. Turns out it's breeding season for the frogs at the boating pond.

For the unfamiliar, all frogs are frogs and all toads are frogs, but not all frogs are toads. Clear? No? Toads are mainly land bound, drier and lumpier. Easy.

These ones were already captive by the time we arrived.

Interesting that the industrious parkies were providing nets and buckets on condition the blighters were released safely back to the water. Even more interesting that they were charging for them; anything to keep the council tax down, eh?

At least they weren't selling straws...

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