
By Amalarian


Wednesday 14 April 2010: SAINT FRED'S CHURCH

This is the church of San Frediano named for the Irish Bishop of Lucca in the early 6th Century. What is little known about Saint Frediano is that he was an engineer and responsible for draining the swamps of Lucca. (Lucca is thought to be a Ligurian word and it means "swamp.") It is my favourite church within the walls of Lucca.

The present church was built between 1112 and 1147, largely of stones and marble taken from the old Roman amphitheatre. It was at this time that Saint Frediano's remains were buried in the church. The most stunning thing about San Frediano is the mural at the top. It glints golden in the sun. Inside the church there is a splendid baptismal font and also, indeed, the mummified remains of Santa Zita, not a pretty sight to be perfectly honest. There is a lot of information here: bit.ly/8ZQPURSAN FREDIANO Close up of mural: Close up of mural.

The old monastery is now a hostel where you can have a private room for around 40 euros or less if in a dormitory.

I apologize for the car in the foreground. There was no escaping it, or another one.

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