A Blip on the Reidar

By reidar

New toy...

So I'm fed up with not having a compact camera to carry around with me. Since my IXUS went kapput back in May I've either had to wait until I got home at night to Blip something, use my mobile camera or lug around my 350D and bag all over the place. I've missed having a 'handy' camera in my pocket that I can whip out and snap away without going through a song and dance.

Yeah I know a few days back you saw a Blip of me using a Fuji FinePix but that's the camera that stays rooted to wherever the kids are, on hand to capture every smile and tantrum :)

So tonight I've order a Canon (yup I do prefer a Canon) Powershot A560, not the best there is but more than adequate for my pocket.

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